"Moscato Appetizer"

29,35€ EUR

The summary of a summer with friends in a box. This is how we could describe this pack, which contains:

  • 1 wedge of cheese with Italian pesto of 200g.
  • 1 200g wedge of cheese with espelette pepper .
  • 1/2 Iberian sausage of 5 50 - 600g.
  • 1 can of fried mussels in marinadeof 7/9 pieces.
  • 1 bottle of VIDA white moscato.
  • Gift box + card with personalized dedication.


You can consult this information in the corresponding product file.

Nutritional value

You can consult this information in the corresponding product sheet.


Once you receive the box at home, store the products in the fridge. Consume according to its expiration date.


You can consult this information in the corresponding product file.
